Acquiring a Barcode for Your Magazine

Publishing a magazine entails various tasks, one of which is ensuring a barcode is present on the cover for streamlined sales and tracking. A barcode, an array of numbers and lines, allows scanners to identify product information instantly. For magazines, this translates to better inventory control, accurate sales tracking, and organized operations. This article delves into the significance of obtaining a barcode for your magazine and the necessary steps to acquire one.

magazine issn barcodes

What is a Magazine Barcode and Do You Need One?

A magazine barcode typically follows the EAN-13 (or EAN-13+2) format. This consists of a 13-digit number derived from the magazine's 8-digit ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), occasionally supplemented by a 2-digit number indicating the issue (e.g., 01 for issue 1).

ISSN magazine barcode example

What is an ISSN?

An ISSN is an 8-digit identifier for serial publications like magazines. This helps in the streamlined cataloguing, management, and distribution of such publications.

You can request an ISSN for your magazine from your local ISSN Agency - the ISSN Agency in New Zealand is the NZ National Library.

ISSNs are usually presented in two groups of four digits separated by a hyphen (e.g., ISSN 1234-5678).

This 8-digit code is transformed into a 13-digit EAN-13 barcode for retail purposes, typically beginning with the prefix "977" to signify a periodical.

Components of a Magazine Barcode:

Prefix: The sequence "977" always initiates a periodical barcode.

ISSN Digits: The first seven digits of the ISSN, minus the hyphen, follow the prefix.

Price Code: A 2-digit code that either denotes the issue number or a specific edition of the magazine. Usually starting at 00, the code changes (e.g., to 01) if the price increases, requiring a new barcode.

Check Digit ('X'): The final digit ensures the barcode's integrity.

Optional: A supplementary 2-digit barcode can be added to denote the issue number.

Example: For a magazine with ISSN 1234-5678, the EAN-13 barcode might look like this: 977123456700X (where 'X' is the check digit). A price change would update this to 977123456701X.

Optionally, the barcode could be rendered in EAN-13+2 format, including a 2-digit supplement to indicate the issue number, such as 977123456700X-01 for issue 1.

Advantages of a Magazine Barcode

Retail: Enables smooth scanning and sales tracking at points of sale.

Distribution: Aids in managing inventory and distribution across different magazine issues.

Cataloging: Assists libraries, bookstores, and distributors in accurately managing serial collections.

Steps to Acquire a Barcode for Your Magazine

Firstly, obtain an ISSN for your magazine from the NZ National Library . Once you have your ISSN, you can order the ISSN barcode images here. Include your ISSN number and any other relevant details (e.g., price code, supplement digits) in the 'order notes' at checkout. The barcode images will then be created and emailed to you.

After obtaining your barcode image, integrate it into your magazine cover design. Ensure it is clearly visible and easily scannable. Testing the barcode before printing ensures it functions correctly and adheres to industry standards.

Acquiring a barcode for your magazine is crucial for effective tracking, sales, and enhanced visibility. By adhering to these guidelines, you can effortlessly obtain a barcode and benefit from its advantages. Whether you're an independent publisher or a major distributor, having a barcode on your magazine simplifies operations and enriches the reader's experience.